SmB Events
Science meets Business organizes several events throughout the year with the goal to 1) spark collaboration between science and business through networking and 2) to close the gap between the Leiden Bio Science Park and Leiden center by showing what awesome things are happening there.
The main, most frequent event - and as such the backbone of Science meet Business - is the SmB Cafe. This cafe is hosted every second Thursday of the month, nine times a year (Feb-Jun, Sep-Dec), at BioPartner or at PLNT.
Other events include the Business Plan Competition (SmBPC), the annual BBQ (SmBBQ) and other incidental events and appearances like (at) Gulliver (started by SmB), the Weekend Business Challenge, the Science Tent at Werfpop and Leiden Loves Science.
Would you like to collaborate? Contact us!
Thursday the 8th
SmB Cafe February 2024
Y'all ready for this? We're back after the winter break! Check out our amazing speakers and sign up and we promise you will have a great time among other science nerds, entrepreneurs and people who go lengths for a free beer. As always, the event is free, including the drinks!
Thursday the 12th
SmB Cafe October 2023
All new Science meets Business Café!
Dear Science and Business enthusiasts,
The summer is still going on! This calls for some drinks and geeky science at this months Science meets Business Café. Get ready to go to space with ICE Cubes or stay on the ground and follow the new quantum communication revolution. It's going to be epic! As always, the sign-up is free and drinks are included. What are you waiting for? Program and sign up link below.
Hope to see you there,
The SmB team
Thursday the 13th
SmB Cafe April 2023 and LASERgame!
We got a surprise for you: This month's café will be in PLNT and you can expect the cool speakers and drinks as usual BUT the location PLNT will host a Lasergame that day and invited the guests to participate! So get ready to fire up the lasergun after our speaker session. Don't miss out!
* Photo by Maximalfocus from Unsplash